与多家航空公司合作并建立了良好的合作关系,有足够的仓储保证,提供香港、深圳、广州多个机场起飞大宗货物空运服务;自理报关,提供一般贸易报关,快递报关出口,目前已在深圳,广州,香港建立了包括中转仓库在内的机场服务中心,可以为出口货物实现收货、理货、计量、报关、转运等一站式多式联运的综合服务。并与深圳南航、东航、国航、马航、泰航、印度航空及国泰等国内外多家航空公司紧密合作,已形成庞大而稳固的国际空运物流服务网络。我们的空运部门能够以最密集的航班,最优惠的空运价格满足不同客户,不同货物对空运服务的需求。即使在货运旺季,也让您有充分的舱位保障,为您提供便捷的服务、准确的始发和到达时刻,将您的货物运送到全世界各个角落。Globalization determines changes in the airfreight forwarding industry. Hecny Group stays competitive by being alert, proactive and dynamic.
Hecny plays a significant role in the global air transportation arena for over half a century. We take pride in providing tailor-made quality services. With our vast experience in airfreight forwarding and a network of over 70 offices and 200 agents covering all five continents, we offer local expertise with global experience catering to specific needs in transportation and logistics.
Hecny’s air forwarding services include:
Integrated freight forwarding service for air and ground operations
Consolidation service
Sea-Air intermodal solutions
Door-to-Door delivery
Premium expedited service for urgent shipments
Customs clearance and documentation
Special courier service
Packaging and crating
Cargo track and trace
Customized EDI shipment reports
Consular Legislation and Special Charters
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