公司建有一整套系统、规范的企业管理制度,具有丰富的海运管理经验,并已全面实施国内安全管理体系(SMS)。现有职工800人,公司重视人才的引进和培养,拥有一支素质较好的持证船员及专业技术和经营管理人员队伍。设有9部2室共11个管理部门: 海务监督部、运输业务部、国际航运部、船舶技术部、能源计量部、劳动人事部、财务部、保卫部、党群工作部及总经理办公室、安全管理办公室。
公司下属公司四家,香港海洲有限公司、舟山一海公司船舶修造厂、舟山一海公司救生筏检修站、舟山市万里船员服务有限公司,主要从事国际货运、船舶修理、船舶救生器具检修及船员培训、输出等。公司对外投资一家,浙江省海运集团五洲船舶修造有限公司,投资额1000万元,出资比例20%。 Since the company was founded, we have been focusing on the ship management and crew assignment, and we have accumulated rich management experience and customer resources in the long-term working process. So far, we have built constant relations with more than 20 domestic and overseas ship owners. In our company, there are many experienced captains and chief engineers who are expert at ship management. They have a thorough comprehension and interpretation of the mandatory conventions and the advisory standards both international and domestic. They have studied for years the regulations of STCW, ISM and ISPS and explored the rules of issuing certificate and crew ordinance published by MSA. They helped to establish the concise and comprehensive files on management system, and formed the modern management procedure and pattern for the company.
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